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Things are coming along at The Journey Forward

At The Journey Forward we have been fortunate to have landed on our feet with the Peer Activity Groups that we have been running at the Beach Bar @ Carrum. 

A massive thank you to Kylie and Marinette for providing a suitable and safe venue to conduct our meet ups and work towards our journey forward. 

We have had three fortnightly catch ups since launching this initiative and have been fortunate enough to have some great frontline veterans and members attend. We have covered topics including moral development, moral injury and have begun to touch on issues such as loss of identity and the feeling of organisational betrayal. 

We started the last session with a brief check in and asked our members to tell us about something positive that had happened in their lives in the fortnight since we last caught up. This was a beneficial exercise and showed us how whilst not everything goes to plan, there are positives that we can bring away.

It set the group up well for a positive session and was a great reminder that there are always positives to be bought to the table regardless of how small they are.

At TJF we are about creating positive conversations and our goal is to help others to help themselves on a healing journey that is healthy without focusing on the negatives. 

I think that at times we fail to be grateful for the good things that we have in our lives without the negative stuff dragging us back down. It’s really important to take the time to exercise gratitude for whatever it is. My mother used to have a saying that went something like this. “I once cried because I had no shoes until I saw a man with no feet”. This statement is so true and I can’t stress about how important it is to remain focused on the positives even when life feels like it’s giving you a box of dicks. 

Dave and I are so fortunate to be surrounded by such awesome people that constantly step up to the plate when they could quite easily choose to wallow in their own despair, Instead these people continue to front up and take part in our group discussions. Legends all of you!

Dave and I have also had some awesome encounters with some amazing people that share our passion for positive mental health like the next person that I am going to introduce.

Meet Sarah Lux. 

Sarah has overcome trauma and is now helping others as a Trauma Resolution Coach with her organisation Wolfpack & Co. 

Sarah has kindly offered her time and expertise to come along to our next group meeting on April 14 at Carrum to address the group and explain what it is that she does and answer any questions. Here is a brief bio from Sarah giving us some insight into why she does what she does. 

Here it is. After surviving an assault that left me repeating the cycle of trauma for years in my late teens, I've devoted my adult life to resolving trauma and supporting others to do the same. I believe every human should be able to live a wholehearted life beyond trauma and hardships. It is my soul's mission to support as many people as I possibly can to discover these results and walk boldly towards a life of love and peace.

If you feel like you’d like to come along to the group, please email  and we’ll reserve a seat. 

Have a great Easter and be kind to yourselves. 

Keep fighting! 




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